Friday, January 16, 2015

States Weigh in on

Via On The Water:

As more and more states respond to the recommendations of the ASMFC Striped Bass Management Board, a few have failed conservation efforts and the fish in major ways...primarily states north of Maryland and south of New Hampshire...check it.

Last fall, at a meeting in Mystic, Connecticut, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Striped Bass Management Board voted to implement new coastwide recreational striped bass  regulations of 1 fish per day at a minimum size 28 inches, which scientists estimated would achieve a 31% reduction in the harvest.
However, they also gave states the option to form their own “equivalent” regulations, as long as they achieve at least a 25% reduction.
Every state is approaching this option differently, with some state managers accepting the 1-fish bag limit and other states attempting to come up with 2-fish solutions.

And be sure to check out the breakdown by state by viewing the full article.


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