Memorial Day Sale - Purchase any Guide Fly Case and get a second for only $5!
Our Guide Fly Case has been one of our most popular products to date. So it only seemed fitting to make it a top priority as a product to bring back home for production. We are now producing our Guide Fly Case series in Texas, making it the most affordable fly box of its type being made right here in the USA.
Load it up with a season's worth of your favorite flies! All of our Guide Fly Cases are big enough to accommodate a large load of even your biggest streamers! If you're a drift boat angler, a guide, or just plain need a large box to keep in your pack, we designed this box for you!
Dimensions: 10" x 8" x 3" Foam: Slotted
Made in the USA
Memorial Day Sale - 20% off XLA Series Reels! Use use discount code XLA20 at checkout!
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Our Kraken reel series has been our most popular reel for big game angling enthusiasts since its release in early 2013. The series is growing with this extra large arbor edition of the Kraken with an all new, extra powerful drag system!
Despite the XLA's massive diameter, it is extremely lightweight for its size. The drag system has been completely updated and strengthened to account for the wider range of leverage on the arbor. In our testing phases on this reel, we managed several sailfish in Mexico up to 100lbs, and dozens of other bluewater species ranging from dorado to tuna. The rapid line pickup kept us in control of the lengthy battles, helping us connect to the fish in a fraction of the time whether we were frantically reeling in as they charged at the boat, or simply gaining as much progress as we could while slugging it out in tug of war. The speed placement of the handle allows for the fastest retrieve while still maintaining plenty of power, even on the biggest of fish you'll encounter. Despite the smaller circumference of the handle rotation, there is plenty of cranking power to spare.
The fully sealed, 6 stacked carbon disc drag system is by far the most powerful drag system we have ever developed. We not only believe this to be the strongest drag in the Allen lineup, but one of the best there is. Period.
Memorial Day Sale - Receive 30% off all Heritage Series Rods! Use discount code HER30 at checkout!
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The Heritage Series is the result of 2yrs of development to blend classic stye trout rod action with modern refinements. The mid flex action has been fine tuned to suit the modern angler. Cast small dries and nymphs with delicate presentation, protect your selective trout tippets when the riser you were stalking turns out to be the pool boss, and discover its reserve power when more demanding casting situations arise.
Presentation is king with the Heritage series, but the other aspects haven't taken the back seat. The flex and recovery are dialed in with perfect balance. The American tradition of trout fly fishing is alive and well with this series.
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