Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Why Are 20 Far-Away States Trying To Block The Cleanup Of The Chesapeake Bay?

A huge thanks goes out to Moldy Chum for posting this and helping spread the word about some of the craziness that's working against the Bay right sad. Please help by spreading the word.
This is unbelievable.
Earlier this year, a group of 21 Attorneys General from states as far away from the Chesapeake Bay as Alaska and Wyoming submittedan amicus brief that aims to strike down the EPA’s Chesapeake cleanup plan. The AGs argue that the cleanup plan raises serious concerns about states’ rights, and they worry that if the plan is left to stand, the EPA could enact similar pollution limits on watersheds such as the Mississippi.
LINK (via:Climate Progress)
States rights? The EPA cleanup plan was created at the request of the six Chesapeake Bay states.


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