Tightlines Newsletter is for members to keep them up-to-date with information regarding all things they need to know regarding CCA Maryland and conservation news. Here is the latest including a little write-up from yours truly about the second of four poachers going to trial tomorrow for possessing 228 undersized striped bass and a tournament from
The Technical Fisherman we are now sponsoring!
On April 18th, Jose Amaya Chicas is scheduled to appear in court on charges of possessing 228 undersized Striped Bass. He is the second of four men caught last year to go to court. Historically punishments handed out for poaching of our natural resources have not reflected the gravity of the offense. This was demonstrated last month, on March 21st, when Chicas' partner-in-crime, Hervin Nunez-Aleman, plead guilty to charges of possession of 228 undersized rockfish and received an unsupervised PBJ along with a $2000 fine (including court costs) which was put on a delayed payment plan. Such a penalty will doubtfully serve as a deterrent to future similar offenses. The hope is that the prosecutor in Mr. Chicas's case will seek a judgment more in line with the gravity of the offense. This penalty does not allow the DNR to engage in further administrative action due to not being found "guilty". You can email the states attorney's office at to voice your opinion. |
Release of the Year Derby

The Technical Fisherman and CCA are teaming up this season to offer the Chesapeake's first and only season-long, multi-species catch and release fishing derby- the "Release of the Year." The event invites anglers from around the Chesapeake to capture their greatest catches AND releases of the year on video, post them to the Technical Fisherman and compete for monthly prizes and a chance at the title of Release of the Year. The quarry are the premier gamefish of the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal estuaries- Striped Bass, Speckled Trout and Redfish. Anglers are required to document the release of all fish and will be encouraged to follow best practices in the careful release of their catches. Careful catch and release is a focal point of the tournament and the unique and unprecedented medium of this tournament- video submission over the web- will help bring conservation to the forefront. Submissions for release of the year must be in video form and include the hook removal and release of the fish.
Sponsors for this event include Costa del Mar, Shore Tackle & Custom Rods, Fishpond, Chesapeake Light Tackle, Judge Yachts, FishOff Gloves, Tight-LInend Tales of a Fly Fisherman, Temple Fork Outfitters, and Yeti Coolers. The event begins May 1, 2014 and runs through December, 2014. Cost of entry is $25. To sign up, head to: Enter today and we'll see you on the water!
After a battle of more than a year and a half, the new regulations for speckled trout, which CCA MD initiated, went into effect Monday. Recreational anglers are now allowed to keep four fish a day with a minimum size of 16 inches. This is down from 10 fish per day. Commercials are now limited to a daily by-catch of 100 pounds. Previously they had no limit.
"CCA has worked hard with the Department of Natural Resources staff to bring about a more realistic approach to speckled trout-- an approach that will protect the fishery while still providing opportunities for recreational anglers," said Tony Friedrich. "We commend DNR Fisheries Director Tom O'Connell and his staff and look forward for specs now having a better chance to re-establish themselves as a prime fishery in the Chesapeake."
To review some of CCA's work in this battle, go to the website ( and search "Speckled Trout regulations." |
Get ready for some shooting

The fourth annual CCA MD Spring Shoot is scheduled for Sunday, May 18, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Talbot Rod and Gun Club in Easton. Shooters can test their skills on 25 sheet and 25 mixed targets. The top scorer will win an award, and the highest scoring chapter team will receive the rotating Chapter Challenge Trophy for one year. The cost is $65 per person. All shells and food will be provided. Start building your chapter team, and register online today.
Pax River Chapter holds swap meet on Monday

The Patuxent River Chapter will hold its first Swap Meet of fishing tackle Monday, April 21, at Kingfishers Restuarant in Solomons starting at 7 p.m. The Swap Meet replaces a speaker at the chapter's monthly meeting. |
Greater Washington Meeting
The Greater Washington Chapter will host a meeting just before opening day of striped bass season. Old Line Bistro will host the event on Wednesday April 16. Come by at 6PM for food and drink. Mark Galasso of Tuna the Tide Charters will give a talk on early season tactics for striped bass starting at 7PM. Mark is one of the best captains on the bay. It will be a great way to kick of the 2014 fishing season. |
Two popular tournaments on the calendar

Get ready to demonstrate your skills and have a great time during two of CCA MD's most popular tourneys-- the Kent Narrows Light Tackle and Flyfishing Catch and Release Tournament and the Red-Speck Tournament based in Crisfield. The Kent Narrows event is set for Saturday, June 7, while the Red-Speck tourney will be held Saturday, Sept. 20 and Sunday, Sept. 21. Online registration will be available in the next few days. Check the calendar at for links and info.
Tony Friedrich
Coastal Conservation Association Maryland |
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