Saturday, October 20, 2012

TFM GEOFISH Weekend Giveaway

Via TFM:

When Costa sent me an email early this week asking if they could send a copy of MOTIV FISHING's GEOFISH to review on T.F.M., I figured that I can't be the only one that has been jonesing to see this film and asked if I could get a few extra copies of the DVD and a Costa promo card for a weekend giveaway.  Done and done and a a small brown box was on my doorstep two days later with giveaway goodness inside.  Costa made this happen and I greatly appreciate it.
You Want To Win This, Right?

Let's make this easy and all you have to do to play is send an email to and say that you want in on the weekend giveaway.

I will take submissions until midnight on Sunday, October 21st.  Four winners will be announced on Monday morning with three winners receiving a copy of GEOFISH and one grand prize winner will receive a copy of GEOFISH and the Costa promo card for a free pair of sunglasses.

More info on GEOFISH can be found on the MOTIV FISHING and Costa websites.


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