Friday, April 20, 2012

Blog of Note: The Watery Rave

So I ran into this blog through checking out some of Costa del Mar's newest stuff. Its actually run by CDM and is intended to be a sort of medium for them and their fans to channel their ideas and stories. Heres what they have to say about it...

This blog is meant to be an open forum, so please let us know what you think. If you’ve got thoughts, opinions or ideas for stories that we should cover, lay them out there. Or if you think we’re missing the mark, tell us, we’ve got thick skin. Most of all, we hope you enjoy seeing what we’re up to and get inspired to go take your own adventure soon.
Rollover an expedition for a brief summary or click to go into it.

Its actually a really good blog full of great stories and content. Has some awesome videos and pictures and definitely makes you feel like less of a fisherman with some of the great stuff people who have been posting on it. I've definitely learned a thing or two from The Watery Rave and will be checking it more and more often. I hope one day I have a story good enough to post on there...for the time being, I will just live vicariously through others.

They also recently added a great story anyone who knew who Jose Wejebe is has to read...check it.


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