Monday, March 19, 2012

TLTFF in TFM Spotting Contest

T.F.M. Spotting - Bob Clouser Edition

Morgan Kupfer of Tight Lined Tales of a Fly Fishermanattended the Kent Island Tie Fest late last month and posed for a quick T.F.M. Spotting snap with famed fly angler and tierBob Clouser.  

Morgan wrote...  "Hey Cam, I went to the Kent Island Tie Fest here in Maryland this weekend and happened to be wearing my T.F.M. hoodie.  I ran into Bob Clouser and managed to sneak a picture with him.  Awesome guy and he loved the hoodie!  He said he was going to check out your site and actually wrote down the URL.  Hope this gets me in contention for the 2012 photo contest!"

Check out the post show post on the Kent Island Tie Fest and connect with Morgan via all the popular social media  platforms. 

Make sure you vote for me in the TFM Spotting Contest! It would be super appreciated!


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