Friday, March 16, 2012

Owl Jones Giveaway

I know what you’re thinkin’….”…that’s great for you Owl, but I don’t have an Orvis Sling Pack.” Well, you’ll just have to get your priorities straight and pony up the $79 and get yourself one. Or I guess I could just run some sort of contest to give you guys a shot at winning the extra one Orvis sent over. Anyone up for a little video challenge? You are? Great. Here’s the down-lo:
Make a funny video telling us why you deserve our extra Orvis Sling Pack. The video can be no longer than one minute. You will need to send me a link to your video by THIS FRIDAY. On Tuesday of next week, I’ll post up all the videos entered and let everyone vote on a winner.
How easy is that? Pretty dern easy. No video camera? Borrow, beg or steal one. ( No, don’t steal – stealing is wrong.)
Whoever creates the best video (as voted by the readers of will win a brand new Orvis Sling Pack and an decal.
Good luck!


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