Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tying Journal & A Giveaway

Via A Year on the Fly, one of my new favorite blogs:
A little while ago I used the vast power of the internet and a coupon to make myself a little journal to 
store my fly tying recipes in.  I very seldom tie standard patterns because...- well, I like to create.  
Also even if the stuff I tie has been tied before, I typically don't follow the strict ingredients listed in 
the published books . Of course no ordinary off the rack journal will do for this fly fishing fool, no - I 
had one custom printed with my art on the cover.
With the addition of my new desk I recently began filling this book 
with recipes and drawings of my flies.  My hope is that with this 
new journal I will be able to keep track of the materials
I have used as well as when I fish these flies and how well they 
produce.  In the past I have created a few flies that did well but after loosing them at the bottom of the stream I soon  forget about them 
and the materials I used to tie them.  I know the rule of three's when 
tying flies (Always tie three flies - use two and save the third to copy 
later) but I seldom follow it mainly because I am lazy.  This journal 
was part of my New Years resolution to become a better fly tier.  
Hopefully it will help to organize my fly tying and record keeping 
when it comes to fly fishing.
Keeping a journal like this is a helpful tool for any serious fly fisherman.  My hope is that I will stick with 
it and keep it up to date.
I hesitate to offer this journal - with my art - for sale on this site due to the cost associated with having 
such small quantities printed and shipped but I know a few other fly fisherman are going to ask so here 
it goes.  If you would like a journal like this with my art on the cover - Email me here.  I will even allow 
you to pick the print from my available prints for the cover of your custom Journal.
Now here is the tough part - the price.  I realistically can not do this for less that $30 per journal plus $4
shipping.  Unfortunately I know this is steep and I don't expect much if any takers on this but I know I 
will be asked about it so there you go.  I wish I could make it less, but any cheaper and I will be paying 
you to order one.  In the future I might try to find a better printer if interest in this peeks.

And Now For the FREE Stuff!!! Lightload Towels sent me another package of towels for a review I did 
thanks to the Outdoor Blogger Network.  Actually they sent me this extra package of towels due to the 
original package of towels that got temporary lost in the mail.  I will save you the boring details but 
needless to say, sometimes our mail service down here in the south leave much to be desired.  
Anyway, I didn't feel right keeping this extra package of Lightload Towels because a mix-up in shipping 
so I am passing this on to my followers.  I also hope to give this great company a little buzz in the 
process.  If you would like to receive a FREE package of these towels simply 1: be a follower of this 
blog (OTF) and 2: leave a comment on this post (this post being the real post on OTF).  The opportunity 
to win this little gift will end at on February 10th and midnight.

*Make sure you be a follower of OTF and post your comment on the OTF post here.


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