Saturday, December 10, 2011

T.F.M. Decals on Sale


Yesterday I received a box in the mail with an order of T.F.M. Retro Fly decals along with a few stacks of overstock decals that Boneyard Fly Gear had been holding on to. 

So...their overstock is now my overstock and I need to move a few T.F.M. decals to fund a couple other projects that are in the works. 

Starting today and going until I starting running low on decals, I am offering all T.F.M. decals for $2 a piece.

I will also include several T.F.M. logo decals along with aBoneyard Fly Gear decal with your order.

Check out the T.F.M. Decals page to see all the offerings.  Please send an email to place your order.  I can take PayPal, check, or money order.

As always, thank you for representing T.F.M. and the support as well.


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